Lil Tracy
Jazz Ishmael Butler professionally known as Lil Tracy, is an American rapper and singer-songwriter born on October 3, 1995 (age 29) in Teaneck, New Jersey, U.S.
Jazz Ishmael Butler’s birth name is Jazz Ishmael Butler and he Is also known as Yung Dude, Yung Bruh, Souljahwitch, Young Black Monkey Negro, Eblis the Persian Dolphin, Yung Karma, and Tracy Minaj.
Jazz Ishmael Butler’s Origin is Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S. Seattle, Washington, U.S. and Genres is Hip hop
Trap, SoundCloud rap, emo rap, cloud rap, and alternative rock.
Before Fame
He starts his career at the age of 15
Family Life
There are three persons in Lil Tracy’s family Coko, Lady Tibba Gamble, and Ishmael Butler.
Lil Tracy age
Lil Tracy was born on October 3, 1995, so he Is 29 years old.
Lil Tracy real name
Lil Tracy’s real name is Jazz Ishmael Butler