FaZe Banks
FaZe Banks is a YouTube star who creates content about challenging videos, He gained more than 4.96M subscribers on YouTube, He has posted 176 videos yet and from all the videos, the most popular video is “24 HOURS IN AN ELEVATOR w/ RiceGum” reached 16M views in 7 years.
“The Single Greatest SoaRing In Style” is his first video posted 13 years ago on his YouTube channel.
Before Fame
He starts his YouTube channel in September of 2011 as BanksHasBank
He is also a producer, composer, and songwriter
Family Life
He started dating Alissa Violet in 2017 and in 2019 they broke up.
FaZe Banks age
FaZe Banks is 33 years old
FaZe Banks height
FaZe Banks height is 6′ 4″
FaZe Banks real name
FaZe Banks’ real name is Ricky Banks