EricVanWilderman is a YouTuber who are owner of a Geometry Dash channel named EricVanWilderman, In his channel he gained 1.05M subscribers by uploading extreme, unknown creator videos.
He started his channel on Nov 9, 2012, “Fatal Frame 4 (Wii) Part 1 – SAY CHEESE!” is the first video uploaded on the channel, and “ALL WORLD’S HARDEST JUMP LEVELS” is the most popular video on the channel that reached 6M views in 3 years.
Before Fame
He was an English teacher before becoming a YouTuber
EricVanWilderman age
EricVanWilderman age is 38 years old
EricVanWilderman real name
EricVanWilderman real name is Eric Wilderman
EricVanWilderman height
EricVanWilderman height is 6’2