Angry Grandpa
Angry Grandpa is a YouTube star who gained 4.78M subscribers on his channel and uploaded the 669 videos till yet. He started his YouTube channel on Jun 19, 2010, and uploaded his first video “The Angry Grandpa Responds to YouTube” which reached 1.4M views in 14 years.
The popular video from his channel is “ANGRY GRANDPA DESTROYS PS4!!!” which reached 48M views in 9 years.
Before Fame
He was working as an apartment maintenance owner
Family Life
He married Tina Green in 1980 and got divorced in 2012, He has 4 children named Charles Green III, Jennifer, Kimberly, and Michael.
Angry Grandpa age
Angry Grandpa is 67 years old
Angry Grandpa height
Angry Grandpa height is 5′ 10″
Angry Grandpa net worth
Angry Grandpa net worth was US$1.5 million
Angry Grandpa real name
Angry Grandpa real name was Charles Marvin Green Jr
Angry Grandpa wife
Angry Grandpa wife name is Tina Marie Sharp Green