Thomas Wu
Thomas Wu is a boxer who is popular for the Floating Ball Challenge, And he shares his all event photos on social media.
He has an Instagram account named infamous_wu13 with 130k followers, Also has a tiktok account with 6.9m followers.
Before Fame
He started his YouTube channel on Apr 25, 2018
Family Life
You can see his sister on his Instagram
Thomas Wu height
Thomas Wu’s height is 6′ 0″ / 183cm
Thomas Wu family
Thomas Wu is married to Sylvia Peng
Thomas Wu parents
Thomas Wu parents father is Wu Ho-Su and his mother is Wu Kuei-lan
Thomas Wu sister
Thomas Wu sister’s name is Amelia Wu
Social Media
How old are Thomas and Amelia Wu?
Thomas Wu is 24 years old and Amelia Wu is 16 years old.
How rich is Thomas Wu?
Thomas Wu’s net worth is 1.80 billion dollars
Is Infamous Wu a boxer?
Yes, Infamous Wu is an official boxer.