Morgz Mum
Morgz Mum is a YouTube star who creates content about comedy skits and vlogs, as well as diss tracks, On his channel She gained 3.32m subscribers.
She joined YouTube on Jul 31, 2017, and uploaded his first video “PRANKING MORGZ ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! PRANK WARS”
The popular video on the channel is “Last To Stop Playing Fortnite Wins $20,000 – Challenge” which reached 22M views in 5 years.
Before Fame
She began her channel on Jul 31, 2017
Family Life
Jill Hudson is her real name and she married Darren Hudson.
Morgz Mum age
Morgz Mum is 61 years old
Is Morgz Mum still alive
Yes, Morgz’s Mum is still alive
Social Media
Who is Morgz’s mum?
Morgz’s mum is known as Jillian “Jill” Hudson
Why was Morgz’s mum in hospital?
Morgz’s mum was in hospital due to bacterial meningitis